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Below you will find jewelry divided into sections. The sections are silver, electrum, gold, platinum, and velium. Each section is further broken into two halves, one of them including "standard" jewelry items and the other "premium." Not every possible jewelry item is reflected here, merely those for which there is a usual demand. Jewelry crafted with gems which are drop only and cannot be purchased from vendors is listed here, for the sake of reference, but price must be negotiated on a case by case basis. There is a natural split between jade, the last standard gem for which there is any demand, and fire opal, the first premium gem for which there is any demand, so this division has been included here.

After each subsection, you will find a list of names. These are our jewelers. You'll note we have a lot of them, and we are quite proud of that. Included along with each name is a list of languages that jeweler speaks well enough to conduct transactions. You will find many contact names for silver jewelry, and less for the progressively more difficult metals, as might expect. You will also note that jewelers available for the more advanced pieces are listed last on the earlier lists. That is because we would prefer you to purchase the simpler wares from those still restricted to them. You may, in fact, be refered to another jeweler, if one is available, if you start with one of our advanced craftsmen and seek a simple piece.

If you cannot find a jeweler able to speak in your language, please leave us a note here. This is merely a simple guest book, as you will observe, but if you leave a message here regarding your desired purchases, and hopefully an e-mail address, we will endevor to accomodate you as best we can.

Standard Silver

Description Slot Statistics Price
Cat's Eye Agate Necklace Neck +3 Charisma 2 Platinum
Bloodstone Earring Ear +2 Stamina 2.5 Platinum, or a pair for 4 Platinum
Onyx Bracelet Wrist +2 Dexterity 2.5 Platinum, or a pair for 4 Platinum
Jasper Ring Finger +2 Wisdom 3 Platinum, or a pair for 5 Platinum
Carnelian Ring Finger +2 Agility 3 Platinum, or a pair for 5 Platinum
Star Rose Quartz Ring Finger +2 Intelligence 3.5 Platinum, or a pair for 6 Platinum
Amber Ring Finger +2 Strength 6 Platinum, or a pair for 11 Platinum
Jade Ring Finger +1 ac, +5 hp, +5 mana 8 Platinum, or a pair for 15 Platinum

Pricing: The pricing on standard silver jewelry is, in most cases, between 1.5 and 2 times the cost of materials for a single attempt to craft the item. This allows our practised jewelers to make a respectable, though certainly not large, profit on selling these pieces, and allows our junior jewlers to sell them without going entirely broke. Prices for standard silver jewelry have stabilized and are not likely to change significantly at this point.


Premium Silver

Description Slot Statistics Price
Black Pearl Ring Finger +3 dexterity, +3 agility 50 Platinum (subject to availibility)
Fire Opal Ring Finger +2 ac, +30 hp 90 Platinum (subject to availibility)
Star Ruby Veil Face +5 Dexterity, +5 Charisma 110 Platinum
Fire Emerald Ring Finger +3 Strength, +3 Dexterity 150 Platinum
Sapphire Necklace Neck +4 Strength, +4 Intelligence 170 Platinum
Ruby Veil Face +4 Strength, +4 Wisdom 200 Platinum

Pricing: The pricing on premium silver jewelry is, in all cases except drop only gems, between 150% and 160% of the cost of materials for one attempt to craft the item. Please do not imagine that ever platinum over that cost figure is pure profit. If you have ever practised a trade skill you should know that even the most trivial piece can fail. This means, if we ever fail to craft something even once, we are losing quite a bit of money on that sale. Over time we can make it up, but please don't resent us the right to make some profit on our hard earned skills. These prices here represent our best possible rates and should be considered non-negotiable, for a straight sale. If you would prefer to work out a deal by which you buy the materials and take the risk in exchange for a tip upon success, such an arrangement is possible. Contact a jeweler first, and work out details. If the idea of taking such a risk with your money doesn't appeal, than please understand that's what we do every sale, and respect our prices accordingly.


Standard Electrum

Description Slot Statistics Price
Cat's Eye Agate Bracelet wrist +4 Charisma 9 Platinum, or a pair for 17 Platinum
Onyx Necklace Neck +3 Dexterity 10 Platinum
Jasper Earring Ear +2 Wisdom 10 Platinum, or a pair for 18 Platinum
Carnelian Ring Finger +3 Agility 10 Platinum, or a pair for 18 Platinum
Star Rose Quartz Necklace Neck +2 Intelligence 12 Platinum
Amber Earring Ear +1 Strength 13 Platinum, or a pair for 25 Platinum
Jade Bracelet Wrist +2 ac, +10 hp, +10 mana 15 Platinum, or a pair for 28 Platinum
Topaz Earring Ear +2 ac, +5 save vs. disease 22 Platinum, or a pair for 40 Platinum

Pricing: The pricing on standard electrum jewelry is, in most cases, between 2.5 and 3 times the cost of materials for a single attempt to craft the item. This is a bit inflated at the moment, and we freely admit this. It's due to the high cost of learning this trade, and the shortage of skilled jewelers. Over time, these prices will come down until they more closely resemble the cost to price ratio for standard silver. If you care to wait that long, you will be able to buy for less. If you want the better stuff now, I hope you appreciate the time, effort, and money that has gone into our efforts, and understand why our pricing must reflect this.


Premium Electrum

Description Slot Statistics Price
Fire Opal Ring Finger +3 ac, +35 hp 120 Platinum (subject to availibility)
Star Ruby Ring Finger +7 Charisma, +5 Dexterity 140 Platinum
Fire Emerald Bracelet Wrist +3 Strength, +5 Dexterity 180 Platinum
Sapphire Earring Ear +2 Intelligence, +4 Strength 200 Platinum
Ruby Ring Finger +4 Strength, +2 Wisdom 260 Platinum

Pricing: The pricing on premium electrum jewelry is, in all cases, just slightly shy of twice the cost of materials for one attempt to craft the item. Again, please realize that every platinum above cost does not represent profit because failures are always possible on even the most trivial items. The money we do earn on these sales generally goes right back into jewelcraft anyway, so we can continue to offer you the best stuff down the road. Again, these prices here represent our best possible rates and should be considered non-negotiable, for a straight sale. If you would prefer to work out a deal by which you buy the materials and take the risk in exchange for a tip upon success, such an arrangement is possible. Contact a jeweler first, and work out details. If the idea of taking such a risk with your money doesn't appeal, than please understand that's what we do every sale, and respect our prices accordingly.


Standard Gold

Description Slot Statistics Price
Cat's Eye Agate Bracelet Wrist +7 Charisma 25 Platinum, or a pair for 45 Platinum
Jasper Earring Ear +3 Wisdom 25 Platinum, or a pair for 45 Platinum
Carnelian Ring Finger +5 Agility 25 Platinum, or a pair for 45 Platinum
Star Rose Quartz Necklace Neck +4 Intelligence 30 Platinum
Amber Earring Ear +3 Strength 35 Platinum, or a pair for 60 Platinum
Jade Bracelet Wrist +2 ac, +15 hp, +15 mana 35 Platinum, or a pair for 60 Platinum

Pricing: The pricing on standard gold jewelry is, in most cases, between 2 and 2.5 times the cost of materials for a single attempt to craft the item. It takes an awful lot of time, effort, and platinum to get to the point where this jewelry is trivial to make, and until that happens these prices represent a modest profit at best. Please understand this, and don't expect a drastic reduction in these prices any time soon.


At this time this is the limit of the inventory we are able to offer. Be assured our jewelers are working hard to bring you more advanced pieces, and watch this site for updates.

Our Jewelers

In this section our jewelers have the opportunity to make some short statement regarding themselves. Until the statements appear in quotation marks, what's there is simply my commentary.


An enthusiastic trader with a booming little jewelry practice of his own, "Birtrumpinar's Shop of Sparkles" became simply too successful for the Trader's Union to ignore, so we made him an offer he couldn't refuse. Now he works with us.


A former member of the Traders Union Guild. Still dedicated to the art of jewelcraft.


Senior apprentice to Valquiss, a former officer of the Traders Union Guild, and now a member of Starspun.


Another former member of the Trader Guild.

Valquiss Silverpalm

"What more can I say that I've not said elsewhere? I hope you find my efforts here useful."


Another former officer of the Traders Union Guild. Now a member of Starspun.


An officer of Power of Balance, Zoso was once a member of the Traders Union Guild but charted his own path even before it dissolved. He remains a friend of all his former guildmates, and I am glad to have him here.